Naked woman

Terauchi Manjirō

Year unknown

Oil on Canvas

From Mr. I’s Collection

Terauchi Manjirō


Born in Osaka. Terauchi moved to Tokyo in 1909 and studied under Kuroda Seiki at the Hakuba-kai (White Horse Society) Aoibashi Western painting institute. His first exhibition at the Bunten Exhibition was in 1918. He was specially selected twice for the works he exhibited in the Teiten Exhibition, which were devoted to female nudes based on hired models. In 1929 he became a member of the Kofukai and later became a trustee and judge. He spent the majority of his life working on nudes and establishing his own unique expression of nudes that had its roots in the unique climate of Japan. He is known as “Terauchi of the Nude” and the “God of Sketch”.