Nude Woman

Satomi Katsuzō

Year unknown

Oil on canvas

From Mr. I’s Collection

Satomi Katsuzō


Born in Kyoto. Satomi studied under Kanokogi Takeshirō at the Kansai Bijitsuin arts institute, then entered the Tokyo Bijutsu Gakkō school of arts. While still a student, he was selected for the Nika and Inten Exhibitions for the first time. He moved to France in 1921 to study under Maurice de Vlaminck. After returning to Japan, he was active in the Nika Association, the 1930 Society and the Dokuritsu Bijutsu Kyōkai (Free Artists Association). He participated in the founding of the Dokuritsu Bijutsu Kyōkai and subsequently exhibited at their exhibition. After the war, he became a member of the Kokugakai and founded the Shajitsu Gadan in 1974. He painted still life and figures with unrestrained brushstrokes using intense primary colors. He is known as the first painter to bring Fauvism to Japan.