“Hirosawa Edition” Fragment of Collection of Waka Poetry in the Hand of the Author

Written in the hand of Emperor Fushimi

Kamakura period (13th-14th centuries)

Tangible Cultural Property, designated by Yamagata Prefecture

Donated by the Homma family

Emperor Fushimi (1265-1317) was the second son of Emperor Go-Fukakusa、and was the 92nd emperor. Amongst the successive historical emperors, he is known as an especially adroit Noh Calligrapher. 

This work is a fragment of Emperor Fushimi’s collection of waka poems known as the “Hirosawa Edition”. This is a manuscript of collected waka poems for daily reading, and is highly valued as an outstanding work of calligraphy from the Kamakura period. It was originally in scroll form, but at current has been separated from its reel so as to be preserved for posterity in fragmental form. 

Waka are categorized as being about “spring,” “summer,” “fall,” “winter,” “love,” and “miscellaneous,” and this work, with its seven elements being pine trees, Japanese zelkova, yew plum pine, trees, the grasses of one’s native lands, wind, and fields, is thought of as being within the “miscellaneous” grouping, and is written in a light and comfortable hand.