Landscape Painting of Pine Forest

Ishikawa Haizan

Year unknown

Donated by Watanabe Riemon

Ishikawa Haizan (1868-1941) was born in Tōkyō. He was the child of Ishikawa Zenzō. His real name was Kametarō. His younger brother was the lacquer artisan Ishikawa Kodō. His mother Tsuru, having separated from his father, remarried to Suge Sanehide, who had been Chūrō (supporter to the chief retainer) of the former Shōnai domain. Haizan moved to Tsuruoka alongside his mother. Afterwards, he moved to the capital, Tōkyō, learning Bird-and-flower painting from Tōdō Ryōun and landscape painting from Hattori Hazan. He submitted art to the likes of the Kaiga Kyōshinkai exhibition, and in 1909 published the “Kakuryū Shogaen,” at Tsuruoka’s current Kanmeidō photo studio, which collected many of the important Japanese paintings passed down in Shōnai. He also worked on the decorative ceiling and door paintings at Inōkadera Temple’s mountain hall, and on the partitioning screens at Honkyōji temple.