Specially Commissioned Doll         Zhang Liang

Late Edo period~Meiji period         Donated by the Sakata Chuo Senior High School Alumni Association (Formerly owned by the Shirasaki family)

Zhang Liang (?–168 BC) was an advisor to Liu Bang, the founder and first emperor of the Han dynasty (202–195 BC). One of the most famous stories about him is how he met Huangshi Gong (lit. “Yellow Rock Old Man”) and learned the secrets of military strategy and the art of war. In one version, Zhang Liang saw an old man who dropped his shoe off a bridge in a dream. After helping the old man retrieve his shoe, the old man promised that he would teach Zhang Liang the art of war. When Zhang Liang turned up five days later, at dawn, the old man chided him for being late, and told him to return again in another five days.

The second time, the old man––who called himself Huangshi Gong––appeared on horseback and dropped his shoe into the river. The Dragon God appeared in the river and snatched the shoe away; Zhang Liang wrested it back and presented it to the old man, who was secretly the Dragon God in disguise. Huangshi Gong was pleased with Zhang Liang’s fortitude, and gave him a book which would teach him the art of military strategy. This is what enabled him to eventually help Liu Bang establish the Han Dynasty.