Section of Shakyō-Sanjūrokkasenzu (Thirty-six Buddhist Poets): “High Priest Gyōzon”

Nanboku-chō period (14th century)

Acquired in 2015 (donated by Norio Homma)


The Shakyō-Sanjūrokkasenzu is a depiction of thirty-six Buddhist poets selected by Eikai, a priest of Kajū-ji Temple, in April 1348 (Jōwa 3). Waka poetry is featured with each portrait. Only a few scrolls and sections of the work have survived, including the portraits of poets Bodhidharma, Prince Shōtoku, Kōbō Daishi (Kūkai) and High Priest Gyōki. This particular section depicts the Tendai priest and poet High Priest Gyōzon (1057–1135) of the late Heian period.