Tsuyazaki Clay Dolls

Place of origin: Fukutsu City, Fukuoka Prefecture

Donated by Shikano Ichio

These unglazed clay dolls have been made in the Tsuyazaki area of Fukutsu City since the late Edo period (1603–1868). It is said that the very first such dolls emerged in 1777, when the potter Harada Ushichi I began making simple clay figures of animals and dolls with his son Hanbei using high-quality local clay.

Tsuyazaki dolls are made using the uncommon ‘hand-pressing’ method, which involves pressing clay with one’s fingers into two sets of moulds for the front and back of the finished figure. The clay is shaped with bare hands, resulting in a heavier, more rustic doll. Well-known examples include owl-shaped whistles which are said to bring good fortune.