Don Quixote

Asai Kanemon

Year Unknown       

Oil on canvas

From Mr. I’s Collection

Asai Kanemon


Born in Osaka. Asai studied at the Hongo Institute for Western-Style Painting. His works were selected for the prestigious Nika, Kōfūkai, and Teiten exhibitions. His prodigy was anticipated at Kanten exhibitions sponsored by the government. In 1936 he was awarded the Minister of Education Award at the Bunten Exhibition. After the war, he formed the Shinjukai association. He repeatedly exhibited for the International Art Exhibition of Japan and the Contemporary Art Exhibition of Japan. Asai created the Kokusai Keishōten with Chōkai Seiji and others in 1962. His motivation for creating new works continued until his later years, building his own unique world of painting with his uninhibited strokes of thick paint. Although constantly creating at the forefront of the art world, he never published a book of his paintings nor held a full-scale solo exhibition, highlighting the unique journey that was his art career.