French Doll

Tamura Kōnosuke

Year unknown

Oil on canvas

From Mr. I’s Collection

Tamura Kōnosuke


Born in Osaka Prefecture. Tamura moved to Tokyo and studied at the Taiheiyō Art Research Institute. He then returned to Osaka to study at Shinanobashi Western Painting School (later moved to Nakanoshima and renamed the Nakanoshima Western Painting Institute) under Narashige Koide. In 1927, he was selected for the prestigious Nika Exhibition. He established the Rokkō Yōga Kenkyūsho (Rokko Institute for Western-Style Painting) in 1931. After the war, he did not participate in the reestablishment of the Nika Association, and instead established the Dainikikai (Second Epoch Society) in 1947 with Miyamoto Saburō and others. He was active in the Dainikikai, frequently traveling to Europe for both research and creating his works.  Many of the paintings he created were decorative, colorful landscapes.