Meandering Stream at Lan-Ting

By Shousai / Meiji Period (1868-1912)

Donated by Mr. Kichizo Hasegawa

The title ‘Meandering Stream at Lan-Ting’ is so-called due to the legend that Wang Xi-Zhi (‘Ou Gishi’ in Japanese) gathered forty-one literati to purify themselves in Lan-ting of Zhejiang Province, on March 3, 535, the ninth year of the Jin Dynasty in China. The idea was to pour a cup into the winding stream and compose a poem as it passed in front of you. The habit of taking ablution on the third day of the third month became a custom in China and was then introduced to Japan as ‘Joushi no Harai’ (Doll’s Festival Purification Ritual).

Over time, the custom was combined with children’s ‘Hina-asobi’ pastime (playing with dolls) and by the Edo Period (1603-1868), it had become established as the Hina or Doll’s Festival.