Personal Tidings with Poem

Written in the hand of Takuan Sōhō


Donated by Satō Masaharu

This letter was written by the renowned Buddhist priest and 154th leader of Daitoku-ji Temple, Takuan Sōhō (1573-1645), during his banishment in Kaminoyama Domain, Dewa Province (modern Kaminoyama City, Yamagata Prefecture). 

It is believed that there were many people who, missing Takuan’s virtuous character, sent him letters. Takuan sent this particular letter of personal tidings in thanks for stationary that was delivered to him, with Takuan’s wellbeing in his place of exile having been asked after. While the addressee is unknown, the contents of the letter can be used as a basis for conjecture. There are names present in the text, such as Tokimasa and Ryōzen, that appear to be those of disciples, leading us to believe the letter is to someone who was personally close with Takuan.