Boiling Tea Self-Portrait


Mid- to late Edo period (18th–19th century)

Donated by the Homma family

Gessen (1741–1809) was a painter who studied painting under Sekkan Sakurai and Ōkyo Maruyama, and is said to have been influenced by Buson Yosa. He trained at Zōjō-ji Temple in Edo (present-day Tōkyō) and Chion-in Temple in Kyōto, and served as chief priest of Jakushō-ji Temple in Ise—which had fallen into disrepair—and worked hard to help the poor.

This painting depicts Gessen boiling tea beside a high priest, who is considered to be a man of virtuous character, as he lectures on virtues. Gessen’s characteristic soft portrayal of the figures and the harmonious atmosphere of enjoying tea complement each other beautifully.